Saturday, November 28, 2015

case - 6

                           38 years old male
C/o :-

  • Dry cough since 10-12 days.
  • started after night driving on bike at highway road.
  • aggravates at night while going to sleep.
  • chronic complain of occasional headaches which also aggravates at night. very severe headache. can not bare slightest light. need to go in dark room, and sleep by putting head under pillow with firm pressure.
  • workaholic. does over work to earn more and to live happy life!
  • thirsty. desire for cold water.
  • desire for draft of cold air even though it aggravates!

Does these details are enough to initiate treatment?

  • If NO, what should be further questions / investigations? 
  • If YES, what should be further management?

please, give your expert opinions through comment(s)...


  1. Replies
    1. Nux vomica is best suited to workaholics, specially those who does more mental work rather than physical. Greediness is also there in nux vomica.

      There is dry cough too which aggravates at bed time. Concomitant headache also agreed with nux vomica.

      Though causation is different here. There is aggravation at the time of rest but amelioration from strong pressure is contradictory.

  2. Replies
    1. As syphilinum is nosode and greatest anti syphilitic medicine, for sure it will be helpful to remove syphilitic block which seems here we have, but though, in my opinion, we should not consider it as miasmatic block unless and until similimum fails to act!

      Even though it is capable to reduce nightly aggravation and thus it will may reduce intensity of complain.

  3. since cough started after exposure to cold night, and there is a periodical headache with intense photophobia Sanguinaria is the similimum.
    lying down aggravate and desire for cold drinks- these two observables point towards another remedy which may be needed to complete the cure.

    1. Sanguinaria Is having really terrific headache, which master Clarke explains as " Terrific headache as if caused by approaching coryza which does not come, in forehead and middle of vertex, with pressure in eyes, which burn and are moved with difficulty.

      It is having dry cough which awakens him from sleep, which did not cease until he sat upright in bed.

      Though there are some points where this medicine differs from case!

      Anyways, is it lachesis as complementary you are thinking to complete the cure?

  4. My search matched with belladonna (boring head into pillow) for the headache but such cough is not a bell symptom. it is more like antim tart. hence in such cases both are not the similimum. they aren't related ordinarily. Hence further repertorisation convinced sanguinaria to be the ideal remedy.

    After sangunaria if cough remains we can give ant tart, or if headache isn't cured bell could be the follow up.

    1. Oh! Now I get it. Thank you very much Dr. Venkatesh sir.
