Saturday, November 21, 2015

case 5

  • This child lost her voice after a vehicle sounded horn too close to her ear for standing in the middle of the road.
  • Before the incident she had begun to talk like a normal child.
  • This happened two years back. she is now four years old.
  • Always hilarity like seen in the picture.
  • Her teachers say she is snatching other children's things and doesn't wants to give them back.

Does these details are enough to initiate treatment?

  • If NO, what should be further questions / investigations? 
  • If YES, what should be further management?

please, give your expert opinions through comment(s)...


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, stramonium is having great fear but that fear is not like here we have. In stramonium, there is great violence.
      Master Kent says, when considering stramonium the idea of violence comes into mind.

      One can not look upon a patient who needs stramonium, or who has been poisoned with it. It is full of excitement, rage, everything is tumultuous, violent; the face looks wild, anxious, fearful; the eyes are fixed on a certain object; face flushed, hot raging fever with hot head and cold extremities, violent delirium.

  2. Replies
    1. Nux vomica is having difficulty in speech but it is totally different. I don't think it is suitable here.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, opium is wonderful drug we can think here.

      For opium master Kent says, complaints from fear when the fear remains, or the idea of fear remains, or the cause of it comes before the eyes.

  4. Causticum 200 BID X 3 days. Follow up 15 days after.

    1. Amazing! Causticum is wonderful remedy for the complaints very similar to our case. There is paralytic condition specially after fright.

  5. I find Stramonium is very closest one that is so far suggested.
    But think loss of speech after frightful incidence is the most peculiar symptom in the above case. see page 420 of Kent repertory has that rubric:
    under Mind
    speech wanting, fright, after - Hyosc
    and there is no definite eliminating symptom.
    the picture shows slight Strabismus which can also be taken as a symptom.

    1. So, hyocyamus also having this peculiar symptom.

      Now I am confused between these three.
      1) opium
      2) causticum and
      3) hyocyamus.

  6. when loss of speech from fright is available as a peculiar rubric (one with least remedies) it should supersede every other rubric in Ranking.

    Since- speech, wanting, after fright- has only one remedy ie Hyoscyamus, we can eliminate every other remedy if the pt doesn't have contradictory symptoms.
    actually the hilarity or lively appearance contra indicative of opium not Hyoscyamus.

    snatching other students' belongings can be interpreted as "jealousy" which also agrees.

  7. Other symptoms of opium like, Obesity, soporous sleep, sleeping with open mouth are neither reported nor guessed from the picture.
    opium, Stramonium or caust may be listed under Loss of speech and separately under ailments after fright in generals. But when "loss of speech from fright" itself is listed ad a peculiarity, we have to rely on the peculiarity rather than a concomitant existence under different sections. that is an unwritten rule of repertorisation.

  8. Hyosymus

    can we know more about mentals?

    1. I am sorry Dr. Chandani, all known symptoms are already being mentioned.

  9. Can Chenopodium helpful in this case?

    1. Chenopodium anthelminticum is also wonderful remedy for aphasia.

      Master Clarke says, several cases of poisoning have been reported in which all the symptoms of apoplexy and consequent right hemiplegia with aphasia were reproduced. Along with aphasia there is stretorous breathing with very peculiar rattle as of a ball rolling loose in the trachea.

      Here we don't have that kind of severity nor such concomitants hence it is clearly not the indicated remedy.

      Though I am not in place to answer that what might will happen in case it is given!

    2. Ok
      Thank you Dr.Karnav for cleared my query.
